A prior electronic version of the Codex Suprasliensis was transliterated in 7-bit ASCII distributed by the Corpus Cyrillo-Methodianum Helsingiense and the TITUS project; these files contain numerous errors and come completely without context (no images, no apparatus, no Greek, no trans-lations, no grammatical annotation or analysis, etc.). Digital images of all sheets of the monument is available simultaneously with the text as a uni-fied electronic product.
The project aims to promote the Bulgarian literary heritage. To this end, the project includes an international workshop and poster exhibition that will be presented in five countries (Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Lithuania and Slovenia). The electronic version of the Codex Suprasliensis will be made freely available under a Creative Commons BY- NC-SA license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ ) in original form by means of modern information and communication technologies, where it will be used both in education in the field of Bulgarian studies and Slavistics and by all who are interested in the history of Bulgaria, the Byz-antine Commonwealth, and Slavia Orthodoxa. The results of the project would be a recognition of the prestige of the Bulgarian written heritage, which would make visible one of the dominant cultures of the European Middle Ages to a wide range of citizens of the European Union and else-where.