Working Team
The basic working team at the Institute of Literature (7 research assistants, Head: Prof. Dr. A. Miltenova) is internationally renowned for its achievements in the electronic processing of medieval manuscript materials, and was awarded the Pythagor Prize from the Bulgarian Min-istry of Education in 2009 for a digital project entitled “The Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters.” The Repertorium includes a description of some 350 medieval Slavic manuscripts from the eleventh to the beginning of the eigh-teenth century, with descriptions in English and in Bulgarian. The Repertorium was designed in conformity with important standards and guidelines in humanities computing (XML-related technologies; TEI P5), and the description and analysis of the Cyrillic manuscripts contains comprehensive data drawn de visu from old texts (see http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/repertorium/). The team also oversaw the international project “SLOVO: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts” (see http://slovo-aso.cl.bas.bg/index.html ), which focused on monastery culture and manuscript collections in monasteries.
A consultant on these projects is Professor David J. Birnbaum of the University of Pittsburgh, USA, who effected a pilot model of a small part of the Codex Suprasliensis (http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu:8080/exist/paul/data/paul_main.html ) with a search program to it (http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu:8080/exist/paul/paul_query.xql).