1. Establishing a working group of specialists and consultants for carrying out the project;
2. Studying and examining all known parts of the Codex Suprasliensis in Russia, Poland and Slovenia; research work on unused and previously unknown source materials, in-cluding Byzantine originals (going beyond the Greek texts published by M. Capaldo).
3. High-quality digitization of the original manuscript parts of the three libraries (Ljubljana, St. Petersburg, Warsaw);
4. Digitization of the Greek texts and translation into modern languages;
5. Production of a glossary-index of word forms in the monument, with grammatical an-notation;
6. Preparation of a thesaurus of selected historical and geographical realia;
7. Development of a searching program that links images, text and vocabulary and allows the presentation of the texts as written, literary, and linguistic facts of medieval Slavic culture;
8. Updating the bibliography of scholarship about the Codex Suprasliensis and its trans-formation it into a searchable electronic text;
9. Preparation of a special Internet portal dedicated to the Codex Suprasliensis with at-tention to easy and convenient access and user-friendliness;
10. Workshop on problems associated with the Codex Suprasliensis in the context of Preslav civilization (language, literature, culture);
11. Publication of materials from the workshop in electronic and printed form;
12. Organization of a poster exhibition.